
Hotel Horison Ultima Ratu Serang Jobs News 2018

Hotelier Indonesia

Hotel Horison Ultima Ratu Serang is looking for :

DOS (Director of Sales) - Female/Male Qualifications : 

  1. Having a good leadership
  2. Having a knowldge about budgeting
  3. Strong about revenue analyst 
  4. Strong about e-commerce 
  5. Preparation of promotional strategies and plans 
  6. Strong communications sales and presentation skill 
  7. Willing to work underpressure and work in a team
Kindly send your application to @hrm.ratuserang Horison Ultima Ratu Serang Jl. KH Abdul Hadi No. 66 Serang, Banten - 42117 +62254 - 218 800 Follow official Instagram @horisonultimaratu

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